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This week on AG - W/C 24th June

Your one stop shop for everything that is coming up on AbsoluteGaming this week.

Monday 24th June
F1 23 - France @10pm
France! The next race of the GP season will see us take to France in our penultimate race of the season. Sign ups will be in the forums over the course of the day with lights out at 10pm.

As per Marcus's post HERE , events for June and July will be determined on a per day basis as we have got the Euros on at the moment. Given they will be taking most 8pm slots for the next few weeks, it is difficult to know what we will get in terms of numbers to run designated events. A post will go out early on the day asking for feedback and involvement and these will determine if an event is running that evening, so please do keep an eye out for them over the coming weeks.


End of Season Squad update

It's squad update time! As per the thread , please let us know of any position or rating changes ahead of the new season to come. Please note that checks will be made at random so make sure you have updated your team correctly please to avoid any fines. Not what you want to start a new season.

PGA 2K23
We are still on the lookout for some captains for our Ryder Cup. If it's something you'd be interested in taking part in, please see more info HERE

In addition, a new course will be going up on Monday for people to dabble at so keep an eye out for Suited's post with the details.

Beat Big B Challenge

Well done to everyone who took part in this week's beat Big B challenge, which saw us take to Wreckfest in a battle to earn the highest amount of points. Payments to come soon. I can't wait to see what Bri has in store for our next challenge.

Podcast - Wednesday 26th June

The next episode will be this week on Wednesday evening fingers crossed. We had a short delay with recording and hopefully will be this week. This will be the season review just gone.

The work for next season is already underway in the background, as you will have seen from the squad update post over the weekend, so please keep an eye out for more details in the forums re Franchises from the team soon. This will be the last season on EA FC 24 before EA FC 25.

Have a good upcoming week.

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